Monday 11 March 2013

Bellina MacBunny

You will see over on the right hand side Bellina MacBunny who is the newest release from Creative Bug on the Loose Click here Why not pop along and visit and see what other goodies she has on her blog, so much to do and see.


Naomi Edwards said...

Oh God love you , you have worked so hard to do this and I was a beginner too and realize how overwhelming the learning curve can be.... You are doing great but just need little fixes... I will reward you for working so hard I promise....

To answer your question you will be happy to know it is quite easy to link up!!!! Go back to your post and click "Edit" to get back in there... great start? lol

Ok I did notice the link you have there is for my blog but not the actual post so here is the right link: (note at the end of yours it says comments)
So take the link I just gave you and highlight then right click and choose copy.... (you know how to do this part!) OR you can simply write "Click here"and highlight those words instead of the actual link.... you will see why....

Which ever you choose the next step is to click on the the word LINK (it is blue)

A box will open... In the first space where it says "Text to display" it should be filled in already because you hightlighted it.....
The next space is where you put the URL... which is the link I just provided above! Just copy and paste it right in there!!! click ok and you are set!
My advice is to really take your time as you do this so your brain will fully absorb what you are doing...when I started I was always panicked and rushed and that made it take longer to learn, lol It will become second nature to you!!!! Good luck!! If I could have your email address I could help you out with what ever else you would like, it doesn't have to have anything to do with my blog, anything! I would be more than glad to help you for I had help along the way as well and couldn't have done it without them. My email is

Next go to your tool bar up top and press

Naomi Edwards said...

Oh! and by the way you are advanced by putting the picture and link on your sidebar!!!!! Way to go!!!!! You didn't have to do this but it is certainly a bonus that you did!!!